Round Hill Nursery School is an independent nursery school located in the backcountry of Greenwich for over 70 years, offering a comprehensive learning experience, beginning at age 2 through Pre-K.
Our History
Round Hill Nursery School was founded in 1946 to provide a quality first learning experience for three and four-year-old children in the backcountry of Greenwich. In 1984, recognizing and responding to the changing needs of families in Greenwich and the surrounding communities, the “First Step” program was established. This program provides for the social and emotional development of two-year-olds exclusively. Today, seven decades after its founding, Round Hill Nursery School provides a superior early learning experience for children from Greenwich and neighboring towns.
Our Programs
The Curriculum at Round Hill Nursery School offers our children experiences that encourage growth in social, physical, cognitive and creative areas. Activities that focus on gross and fine motor skills, language development, pre-reading, pre-writing and pre-math skills, the creative arts and social and emotional growth, are the emphasis of our program.
Our Families
Round Hill Nursery School believes in a close, cooperative and supportive relationship between the school and the home. There is a steady informal flow of communication between school and home on a daily basis, as well as the more formal parent/staff coffees and parent/teacher conferences at which time progress is shared and concerns discussed. Written progress reports are sent home twice yearly. We encourage our parents to share their time and interests with us in whatever capacities most comfortably suit them – as class parents, field trip drivers, benefit committee members, etc. Our parents become very involved in the life of our school and are our most valuable and treasured assets.
Our Students
Round Hill Nursery School has a diverse student body of 80 children from Greenwich and the neighboring communities. We are able to provide a limited number of scholarships each year to those families demonstrating need. All applications are considered without regard to race, color or creed.